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Is it reliable to store wine in a refrigerator

Date:2022-05-24    View:0

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To explore the question of "whether it is appropriate to store wine in a refrigerator", we must first understand the storage conditions of wine. The ideal conditions for storing wine can be summarized as "two constant, two avoidance and two ventilation", that is, constant temperature, constant humidity, light avoidance, shock absorption and ventilation.

1、 Constant temperature
The best storage temperature of wine is 10 ℃ to 15 ℃. Extreme high or low temperatures can damage the quality of wine. Too high temperature will accelerate the oxidation of wine and make the wine lose its original aroma. Too low temperature may freeze the liquor and increase its volume, resulting in the cork being pushed out or the bottle breaking. In addition, constant temperature is the most important condition for storing wine, and frequent temperature fluctuations should be avoided as far as possible.

Nowadays, although the refrigerator can be adjusted to the specific temperature, due to daily needs, frequent opening and closing of the refrigerator door will cause the difference between the actual temperature inside the refrigerator and the set temperature, and the temperature fluctuates greatly, which will have a certain impact on the quality of wine.

2、 Constant humidity

The ideal humidity for wine storage is between 50% and 80%. Mold is easy to breed in too humid air, and the wine that has been opened needs special attention. If the wine packaging is intact, this will not happen, but the humid air will make the wine label moldy or even fall off. Too dry environment will make the cork dry. Once the cork becomes dry, it will lead to difficulty in opening the bottle at first, and then lead to seal failure at last. Air will enter the bottle and destroy the structure and aroma of the wine. Therefore, when storing wine sealed with cork, the wine bottle should be laid flat to ensure that the cork is in full contact with the liquor and maintain a certain humidity.

The main function of the refrigerator is to store perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables. Its relatively dry internal environment is conducive to extending the shelf life of these foods, but this environment is not suitable for the long-term storage of wine.

3、 Avoid light

Strong light, whether sunlight or artificial light, will heat up the wine, accelerate the oxidation of the wine, and lead to its premature loss of fresh taste. In addition, ultraviolet rays in the light will also accelerate the aging of wine. At the same time, the irradiation of artificial light will make some wines produce unpleasant smell. Therefore, wine is not suitable for long-term storage under strong light.

4、 Shock absorber

Frequent shaking or shaking will affect the ripening process of wine in the bottle. At the same time, for wines aged for a long time in the bottle, frequent vibration will disturb the sediment such as pigment and phenolic compounds deposited at the bottom of the bottle, which will eventually lead to an obvious sense of grain in the imported liquor and affect the tasting experience.

When the engine of household refrigerator runs continuously during refrigeration, it will inevitably produce vibration, which is very unfavorable to the long-term storage of wine.

5、 Ventilation

Household refrigerators store a lot of things every day, the air is relatively closed, and there is no ventilation system, and the smell is relatively complex. These odors more or less affect wines sealed with corks.

Therefore, the refrigerator can only be used for short-term storage and chilled wine. If you need to store a large amount of wine for a long time, it is a good choice to start with a wine cabinet. (text / dawn)

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