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What are the benefits of drinking red wine before going to bed at night?

Date:2022-05-24    View:0

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First, drinking red wine before going to bed helps to improve the quality of sleep. Red wine can alleviate neurasthenia and resist fatigue. Red wine contains far more minerals than the best mineral water. Red wine contains a lot of polyacids, so it plays an excellent role in preventing cardiovascular diseases, helping to prevent diseases such as arteriosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. It also has important effects such as reducing the risk of osteoporosis and "keeping your face". Red wine contains three nutrients needed by the human body to maintain life activities: vitamins, sugar and protein. Glucose is an indispensable nutrient for human beings to maintain life and strengthen their health. It is the main source of human energy. There are also 24 kinds of amino acids in wine, which are indispensable nutrients for human body. There are also many organic acids in wine, such as grape acid, citric acid and malic acid. Most of them come from grape juice. They can effectively mediate the nerve center, relax the mind and activate blood circulation. They are indispensable nutrients for mental and manual workers. Dry red wine also contains a variety of vitamins such as VE, VB and VB2 and a variety of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and sodium, in which minerals are combined with a variety of trace elements.

Second, drinking red wine before going to bed can achieve better slimming effect. The tannins contained in red wine can effectively help digestion. The vitamins C, e and carotene contained in red wine also have antioxidant function, which can prevent aging, maintain the normal metabolism of the body, and prevent the body from becoming bloated and out of shape with the passage of years. Well structured red wine contains phenolic substances released from grape skin and seeds, such as red pigment and flavonoids, which can improve the proportion of "good cholesterol" in the body, help prevent the production of blood toxins, and keep the body in a good light circulation. Of course, fat is difficult to the upper body and reduce edema. Red wine is rich in iron, and alcohol itself has the function of promoting blood circulation and warming up, so it can improve anemia, warm the waist and kidney, and effectively reduce the accumulation of water in the body. Puffy physique is especially suitable for this red wine slimming method, which is both beautiful and slim.

Best slimming time: to give full play to the slimming effect of red wine, it is best to drink it before going to bed. Red wine containing a small amount of alcohol can assist sleep, and can slowly raise the body temperature, so that the night with slow metabolism can also participate in fat burning metabolism. Grape polyphenols in red wine can also relieve body pressure and effectively inhibit stress overeating. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to drink 50ml of red wine before going to bed every day. However, due to differences in personal constitution, girls who cannot drink alcohol or are allergic to alcohol are not recommended to use this method.

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