Travel brochure
what kind of delicious food to match Sauvignon Blanc

Date:2022-05-24    View:0

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Sauvignon Blanc grape, originating from Bordeaux, is a white grape variety with strong aroma. It usually has prominent cyan fruit aroma and plant flavor (currant, lantern pepper, asparagus, etc.). The wine produced by Sauvignon Blanc has high acidity, moderate wine body, strong green grass flavor and taste similar to blackcurrant spores and sage. Some Sauvignon Blanc wines are round and delicate after fermentation in oak barrel and suitable for long-term storage. Sauvignon Blanc grapes grow in cold climate, the ripening time of grapes is relatively long, and the wine can also have better balance and fully display plant aroma. In the regions with warmer climate, Sauvignon Blanc wines often lack this delicate and elegant plant aroma.

Sauvignon Blanc is often paired with fresh oysters, shelled prawns, crabs and slightly roasted fish. In addition, it also goes well with dishes made of raw or slightly processed tomatoes, such as Spanish Tomato cold soup. Finally, they will also perform well with Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, fried snacks and smoked salmon.

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